Music Ministry

Christmas cantata 2015; conducted by Jim White.
Director: Music Director Sara Montgomery.
Performance: Accompanists perform occasionally during Sunday worship at 11:00 am. Contact Sara Montgomery for details.
Adult Choir (open to youth also)
The choir sings during the regular Sunday worship, with opportunities for soloists and ensembles. The choir also sings for special occasions like funerals and lovefeasts. Members of the choir, along with the band, attend special events like Moravian Music on the Mountain and the Moravian Music Festival.
Adult Choir Director:
Rehearsals: Thursdays, 6:30-7:45 PM (starting August 25)
Sing for Sunday Worship:
Sundays, 10:00-10:25 AM, sing for 11:00 worship
Youth Choir (grades 6 to 12)
Youth Choir (Grades 6-12) Director:
Rehearsals: Tuesdays, 4:30-5:15 PM
Sing for Sunday worship (dates TBD)
SisterSing (adult and youth)
Directors: Chancy Kapp and Barb Prillaman
On occasion Raleigh Moravian offers an opportunity for women of the congregation to join together for a special choir called SisterSing.
Practice: TBA. For more information, contact the church office and we will connect you with the directors.
Sing for Sunday Worship: Sings at various times during the year at Sunday morning worship at 11:00 am.
Men's Choir (adult and youth)
Directors: William O’Brien and Mike Warren
For more information contact: [email protected]
Occasionally the men gather for special music during the service where they sing at various times during the year for the Sunday morning worship at 11:00 am.
Morning Stars Children's Choir (for ages 4 through 5th grade)
Director: Molly Sharp
Children learn to read music even if they cannot read words! Our children's choir introduces children to ensemble singing, under the direction of Molly Sharp. Morning Stars provide the primary responsibility for music leadership at Christmas Eve lovefeast with several additional opportunities to sing in church between Sept and early May.
Morning Stars (Pre-K-Grade 5) Director: Molly Sharp [email protected]
Rehearsals: Sundays, 10:30-10:50 AM (starting September 18)
Sing for Children's Christmas Eve lovefeast and several times a year during Sunday morning worship at 11:00 am.
Sing for Sunday Worship: To be announced
Director: Music Director Sara Montgomery.
Performance: Accompanists perform occasionally during Sunday worship at 11:00 am. Contact Sara Montgomery for details.
Adult Choir (open to youth also)
The choir sings during the regular Sunday worship, with opportunities for soloists and ensembles. The choir also sings for special occasions like funerals and lovefeasts. Members of the choir, along with the band, attend special events like Moravian Music on the Mountain and the Moravian Music Festival.
Adult Choir Director:
Rehearsals: Thursdays, 6:30-7:45 PM (starting August 25)
Sing for Sunday Worship:
Sundays, 10:00-10:25 AM, sing for 11:00 worship
Youth Choir (grades 6 to 12)
Youth Choir (Grades 6-12) Director:
Rehearsals: Tuesdays, 4:30-5:15 PM
Sing for Sunday worship (dates TBD)
SisterSing (adult and youth)
Directors: Chancy Kapp and Barb Prillaman
On occasion Raleigh Moravian offers an opportunity for women of the congregation to join together for a special choir called SisterSing.
Practice: TBA. For more information, contact the church office and we will connect you with the directors.
Sing for Sunday Worship: Sings at various times during the year at Sunday morning worship at 11:00 am.
Men's Choir (adult and youth)
Directors: William O’Brien and Mike Warren
For more information contact: [email protected]
Occasionally the men gather for special music during the service where they sing at various times during the year for the Sunday morning worship at 11:00 am.
Morning Stars Children's Choir (for ages 4 through 5th grade)
Director: Molly Sharp
Children learn to read music even if they cannot read words! Our children's choir introduces children to ensemble singing, under the direction of Molly Sharp. Morning Stars provide the primary responsibility for music leadership at Christmas Eve lovefeast with several additional opportunities to sing in church between Sept and early May.
Morning Stars (Pre-K-Grade 5) Director: Molly Sharp [email protected]
Rehearsals: Sundays, 10:30-10:50 AM (starting September 18)
Sing for Children's Christmas Eve lovefeast and several times a year during Sunday morning worship at 11:00 am.
Sing for Sunday Worship: To be announced