Community and Global MissionsPlease contact the church office (919-787-4034) for information about any changes.
Red Cross Blood Drives Quarterly blood drives are announced in the bulletin and newsletter, on the website, and via email. In addition to giving blood, volunteers are also needed to prepare and serve snacks. If you are interested in learning more about how you can help with Red Cross Blood Drives, the church office can connect you with the project organizer. Oak City Cares Raleigh Moravian Church supports Oak City Cares on the first Saturday of each month. Members can assist with this rewarding service ministry by donating supplies, helping prepare breakfast, and/or help serve breakfast at the Oak City Cares facility. It's truly a fun morning of fellowship! View the sign-up here. Food Bank of Central and Eastern North Carolina Raleigh Moravian collects a specific type of food each month, which is listed in the newsletter and bulletin each Sunday. In 2023 the congregation donated 2,136 pounds of food for the entire year exceeding the goal of 1,000 pounds. Habitat for Humanity Contact Lee through the church office if you would like to participate in a future project. Annual Moravian Day of ServiceOn September 16, 2023, Moravian Churches across North America participated in the Moravian Day of Service, which was established by the 2018 synods of the Northern and Southern Provinces.
Events, Projects, and Campaigns The Dwelling
Habitat Wake Downtown Coalition 2021 Moravian Day of Giving Matching Funds 2022 - 2023 MLK Day Wall Build 2023 Workday & Lunch 2023 Fund Raising Campaign 2023 Family Day - Baffles Moravian Day of Service 2022
The Raleigh Moravian congregation participated in five different service projects on September 14 and 15, 2019.